Post Game Press Conference – Eagles Players

Kenny Pickett, QB

(On playing his second game in the offense)

“It was good, it was good and we rotated in a lot of guys tonight too, so we got to play with a bunch of different people and different groups were in there. We continued to work the operation, I don’t think we were as clean as we would have liked to be. I think we were better and smoother at that point that we were in the first game, so it is something this week we are going to have to iron out for third game.”


(On facing the pressure from the defense)

“I think they were moving guys around and I think they had their top guys in there for a while too, and that’s a great opportunity for us. The twos and threes and a bunch of guys are trying to make this team and compete against the best they have. There was a lot good and definitely some bad that we can learn from, take what it is and move on.”


(On the reason for the low yards per attempt on offense)

“We had some shots called that were covered up and I ended up checking it down and we got good gains there. Besides that, it’s just taking the completions that are there and try and move the offense. Those big plays will come sooner or later, we just have to continue to throw them in practice. When we practiced on Tuesday, we got a couple down the field which was great, so it is just if they are there, we will take them and if not just continue to move the ball down the field.”


(On the competition for the second QB job)

“I think it’s just like I said, they are continuing to mix group ups and letting guys play with different groups. I am just taking it one day at a time and continue to play and put good tape out there and continue to play well and progress with the offense.”


Tanner McKee, QB

(On what he thought the reason was for his effectiveness this week)

“I don’t know. I was just trying to take what the defense gave us. I thought our guys did a great job of creating separation.”


(On the seam throw to Joseph Ngata)

“It was max protection so I was hoping to have a decent amount of time. The guys did a great job of holding up. I didn’t see the route but when I came to the sideline, all the guys were saying he had a nasty route. He had inside leverage and I’m excited to see it on film because he had a ton of separation and it made the throw easy on me. I’m excited to see what he did to create that much separation.”


(On why he left the game then came back in)

“I’m not one hundred percent sure. Coach just told us that was going to be the game plan at the beginning of the game. They did a great job of communicating with it and I just rolled with the punches. I think it was just to give everybody an equal opportunity. I was just ready to roll whenever they call my name.”


(On what he thinks he’s better at this year)

“I feel like mentally I can see the defense a lot cleaner. I think that one of the biggest things going from college to the NFL is post-snap movement. I feel like they are always going to lie to your eyes pre-snap and so I feel like I am very comfortable seeing post-snap movement and being able to adjust off of that. I think that was a big growth point for me last year and I’m going to continue to grow on that.”


(On if he thinks he’s ready to be the number two quarterback)

“That’s not my decision. I wish it was, but I’m just ready to go out and play whenever they call my name.”


(On whether he was surprised when the team traded for Kenny Pickett)

“I think they do a great job of communicating and they told me they were going to get another quarterback and we were going to compete. Kenny’s been a great teammate and we are going to continue to compete for the whole year.”


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